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Wat zijn cookies?
Het internet kan niet zonder cookies functioneren. Nederlanders.fr gebruikt cookies omdat zonder cookies nederlanders.fr niet kan bestaan.
Cookies zijn van essentieel belang voor het technisch functioneren en financieel bekostigen van nederlanders.fr.
Cookies van nederlanders.fr zijn veilig. Ze kunnen geen persoonlijke informatie verzamelen en zijn veilig voor je pc, laptop, telefoon of tablet.
Nadere toelichting:
De gegevens die ontstaan bij het aanklikken van informatie op onze website of door uitwisseling van informatie tussen de website en uw computer (door middel van bepaalde tekstbestandjes, zgn. cookies) geven ons informatie die van belang is voor de verbetering en ontwikkeling van producten en diensten, zoals de optimalisering van de website. Deze informatie ontlenen wij aan de analyse van deze gegevens die overzichten e.d. opleveren, welke niet in verband staan met individuele gebruikers. Uw persoonlijk gebruik kan daaruit niet worden afgeleid. Cookies worden ook gebruikt om gebruikersnamen, wachtwoorden en persoonlijke instellingen te bewaren. Bij een volgend bezoek hoeft u dan niet opnieuw uw gegevens in te voeren. De meeste internetbrowsers bieden u de mogelijkheid om het plaatsen van cookies te blokkeren of om u vooraf te laten melden wanneer er een cookie wordt geplaatst. Het uitzetten van cookies kan het gebruik van onze website en diensten beperken (zie nadere informatie hieronder).
Cookies zorgen ervoor dat:
Cookies verwijderen of uitschakelen
Cookies kun je altijd zelf via je browser-instellingen verwijderen of uitschakelen. Uitleg over het aanpassen van de cookie-instellingen vind je onder Help in de meeste browsers. We wijzen er op dat de meeste websites niet of niet goed werken zonder cookies.
Voor het bezoeken van onze website is het noodzakelijk dat je ons toestaat om externe cookies te laten plaatsen. Je kunt vervolgens bij veel externe bedrijven gebruik maken van de opt-out mogelijkheid zodat cookies van die specifieke aanbieder niet langer worden toegestaan. Op www.youronlinechoices.com kan dat voor veel adverteerders tegelijk. Je kunt daar ook lezen waar dergelijke cookies voor gebruikt worden. Ook is het mogelijk om je browser zo in te stellen dat alleen cookies van de site die je vaak bezoekt worden geaccepteerd. Hoe u dit kunt doen, vindt u in de handleiding van uw webbrowser (bijv. Internet Exporer, Mozilla Firefox of Google Chrome).
Bepaal zelf hoe uw browser met cookies omgaat:
Voor informatie over het aanpassen van de browser Chrome klikt u op de knop hieronder.
Bekijk detailsFIREFOX
Voor informatie over het aanpassen van de browser Firefox klikt u op de knop hieronder.
Voor informatie over het aanpassen van de browser Internet Explorer klikt u op de knop hieronder.
Bekijk detailsSAFARI
Voor informatie over het aanpassen van de browser Safari klikt u op de knop hieronder.
Bekijk details
Meer informatie?
Voor meer informatie over cookies en privacy kunt u contact opnemen met info@nederlanders.fr
*1 Advertentie-inkomsten zijn de belangrijkste (niet de enige) inkomstenbron van nederlanders.fr, zonder deze inkomsten kan de site niet bestaan.
Cookies op Nederlanders.fr
Hieronder een overzicht van cookies die de werking van deze site en dit forum vereenvoudigen
Cookie |
Name |
Purpose |
Share This cookie |
__unam |
This cookie is set by the third-party Share This service, which makes it easy to share content. The cookie tracks click-stream activity. This cookie expires after 6 months. |
Migration dialog dismissed cookie |
_mLdK 2 |
This cookie records the number of times that the user closed the dialog box showing payment options. This is shown only on very old networks. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Google Analytics cookies |
_utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmv, _utmz |
These cookies, from Google Analytics, gather data about how visitors use the network. This information is used to improve the network. This cookie expires after 1 year. |
Authentication-type cookie |
auth-type 1 |
This cookie remembers the name of the third-party provider that the user used to sign in, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google. The next time they sign in, this provider is presented to them as their initial choice. This cookie expires after 1 year. |
Authentication-username cookie |
auth-user-name 1 |
This cookie remembers the username for the third-party provider that the user used to sign in. The sign-in page will greet them using this name. This cookie expires after 1 year. |
Performance logger cookie |
bzplcm |
This cookie records the current time. It is used to measure page-load speed, for performance analysis. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Chat local-storage update cookie |
chatWriteTimestamp |
This cookie stores the time of the last write to browser local storage. It is used to keep browser tabs in sync, when chat is open in multiple browser tabs. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Convertro Analytics cookies |
cvo_sid1, cvo_tid1 |
These cookies, from Convertro Analytics, gather data about how visitors use the network. This information is used to improve the network. |
Gift message cookie |
giftMessage |
This cookie is temporary storage for a message that the user sent with their gift. This cookie expires after 10 seconds. |
Invite tab cookie |
inviteTab 2 |
This cookie stores the user’s preference for the currently selected tab on the Invitations page. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Last visit cookie |
lastVisit 1 |
This cookie stores the time of the user’s last visit to the site. This cookie expires after 1 year. |
Like cookie |
like 2 |
This cookie is temporary storage for data that identifies what the user is liking. It is stored in the cookie temporarily if the user is signed out and needs to go to the sign-in page. After the user signs in, we read the cookie and complete the like action. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Mobile header size cookie |
mobile-h1-size |
This cookie stores the optimum font size for the header on mobile pages. This cookie expires after 3 years. |
Mobile v2 redirection override cookie |
mobileRedirectsEnabled 1 |
This cookie records whether the user has chosen to view desktop pages instead of mobile v2 pages, even when browsing using a mobile device. This cookie expires after 1 year. |
Commission Junction cookie |
ning_cj |
This cookie indicates that the network creator was referred to Ning via Commission Junction. This cookie expires after 2 months. |
First touch cookie |
ning_ft |
This cookie contains a copy of the information in one of the Google Analytics cookies (_utmz). It contains information about how the network creator arrived at Ning (e.g., via a search engine). This cookie expires after 4 months. |
Ning session cookie |
ning_session |
This cookie identifies page views belonging to the same session. This “session ID” is logged and is used for debugging purposes. This cookie expires after 1 hour. |
Ning visitor cookie |
ning_visitor |
This cookie identifies page views belonging to the same web browser. This “visitor cookie” is logged and is used for debugging purposes. |
Chat sound lock cookie |
soundLockTimestamp |
This cookie stores the current time every couple of seconds. It is used to ensure that, when chat is open in multiple tabs, only one of the tabs will make a sound when a new chat message comes in. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Media uploader cookie |
using_bulk_uploader_… |
This cookie stores the user’s preference for whether to upload files using the simple uploader or the Flash uploader. |
Chat volume cookie |
volumeSetting |
This cookie stores the user’s preference for the volume level for chat. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Cookies-enabled test cookie |
xg_cookie_check |
This cookie is used to test whether the browser accepts cookies. It is used on the sign-in and sign-up pages. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
External profile cookie |
xg_ep |
This cookie stores data from a sign-up provider (e.g., Facebook) which is then used to prepopulate some fields on our sign-up form. This cookie expires after 1 day. |
External profile initialization vector cookie |
xg_ep_iv |
This cookie contains data that is used to decrypt the external profile cookie. This cookie expires after 1 day. |
Paid access signup cookie |
xg_pas |
This cookie indicates that the user is in the middle of signing up, and heading to PayPal. This cookie expires after 1 year. |
Paywall email sent cookie |
xg_paywallContact |
This cookie indicates that the user just sent an email to the network administrators with a question about paywall membership. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Combined persistent cookie |
xg_pc |
This cookie is a combination of other cookie values that need to remain after the user’s browser is closed. The values are documented in this table. This cookie expires after 1 year. |
-problem email sent cookie |
xg_psi |
This cookie indicates that the user just sent an email reporting that they had a problem signing in. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Mobile v1 redirection override cookie |
xg_redirect_override |
This cookie records whether the user has chosen to view desktop pages instead of mobile v1 pages, even when browsing using a mobile device. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Combined session cookie |
xg_sc |
This cookie is a combination of other cookie values that are automatically cleared after the user’s browser is closed. The values are documented in this table. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Gift cookie |
xg_sgi |
This cookie temporarily stores information about a gift that the user is purchasing from the site. It is used for the success message shown after the purchase. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Profile attribute cookie |
xg_sip |
This cookie is a temporary storage for data from the sign-up form. This cookie expires after 1 day. |
Profile attribute initialization vector cookie |
xg_sip_iv |
This cookie contains data that is used to decrypt the profile attribute cookie. This cookie expires after 1 day. |
Sign-up cookie |
xg_su |
This cookie indicates that the user successfully completed the sign-up form. This cookie expires after 1 day. |
Sign-up initialization vector cookie |
xg_su_iv |
This cookie contains data that is used to decrypt the sign-up cookie. This cookie expires after 1 day. |
Tweet cookie |
xg_tw |
This cookie is temporary storage for the user’s Twitter tweet while they go off to twitter.com to authorize that this network can post the tweet for them. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
User info cookie |
xgdi |
This cookie contains basic user demographic information. This cookie expires after 1 year. |
Sign-out cookie |
xgl |
This cookie indicates that the user just signed out. It is used to display a message to the user after they sign out. This cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser. |
Page-size cookie |
xn_approval_page_size |
This cookie stores the user’s preference for number of items per page on pages in which they approve or reject moderated content. |
Ning ID cookie |
xn_id_ |
This cookie is set during sign-in, and serves as your identity on the network, and indicates that you are signed in. This cookie expires after 30 days. |
Flow-tracking cookie |
xn_track |
This cookie records completed and incomplete attempts at going through a sequence of pages (a “flow”), to help us to improve the pages. This cookie expires after 30 minutes. |
Hieronder een overzicht van cookies voor (re-)marketing doeleinden:
[ wordt aangevuld]
Welkom bij
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Maart 4 2025 vanaf 17.30 to 19.00 – In de virtuele Brasserie van Nederlanders.fr
April 1 2025 vanaf 17.30 to 19.00 – De virtuele Brasserie van Nederlanders.fr
Mei 6 2025 vanaf 17.30 to 19.00 – In de virtuele Brasserie van Nederlanders.fr
Juni 3 2025 vanaf 17.30 to 19.00 – In de virtuele Brasserie van Nederlanders.fr
© 2025 Gemaakt door: Anton Noë, beheerder en gastheer.
Verzorgd door
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